Omnimed at Endoport 2025

Omnimed at Endoport 2025

As a key date in the endoscopy calendar, Omnimed is delighted to have attended Endoport Portsmouth's Advanced Endoscopy Symposium, sponsoring day two of the event.

Omnimed's Commercial Manager, John Wood and Area Sales Consultant for South East England and London, Clive Waters arrived at the end of day one, just in time to join the very well attended delegate dinner.

The headline speaker at the dinner was, of course, Endoport UK founder Professor Pradeep Bhandari, who spoke about how the Endoport UK event was celebrating its 20th year! Professor Bhandari expertly worked the room, and with more than a little good humour, asked delegates what they liked about the event or could be done better. Comments were overwhelmingly positive and along the lines of how there was no other event in the UK with such a gathering of international expert practitioners, learning opportunities and live streaming transmissions.

Significant praise was rightly directed towards Professor Bhandari’s own medical team as they were responsible for organising the whole event, rather than external event organisers.

Commercial Manager, John Wood said "We sponsored and attended day two, due mainly to the fact that there were a number of Practical Skills sessions directed at both Endoscopists and nursing staff, which we had also hoped to attend. However, with the quality of speakers and the high number of delegates wishing to sit in on the sessions, we only got to attend one of them as it was genuinely standing room only!

Clive added, "We got to sit in on a really insightful 'Non-technical skills in Endsocopy' session delivered by Dr Manmeet Matharoo, Consultant Gastroenterologist, Governance Lead and Endoscopy Training Lead at St Mark’s Hospital, London. Dr Matharoo focussed on the importance of clear verbal communication, as well as critically constructive briefs and debriefs pre and post procedure. In addition she highlighted how leadership, situational awareness as well as judgement and decision making can contribute to high performance."

Throughout the day John and Clive spoke to a number of delegates, both existing customer and prospects. This resulted in Omnimed gaining a number of new contacts that we are currently following up on, as well as potential sample opportunities.

John added, "One of the highlights was that we met a team of nurses from the Whittington Hospital who were particularly interested in our Black and Blue Eye products. Coincidentally, Clive was chasing the Whittington for a first time Blue Eye order that very day! It subsequently came through the following week so we can safely say that our attendance at Endoport, and face to face contact with prospects has already had a positive impact on sales." 

Omnimed would like to thank Professor Pradeep Bhandari and his team who organised the event, along with all the great speakers who made this a truly outstanding experience!

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