Ben Lonsdale (left) and John Wood (right)

Health 100 - Omnimed's Takeaways

Omnimed would like to offer a HUGE thank you to everyone involved in making Health 100 happen, we found it to be a very informative event that provided a lot of useful information for us to support the NHS in their Green Endoscopy and Greener NHS goals as part of Net Zero.

Omnimed's Commercial Manager, John Wood said, "Two of the most valuable talks for us were from Heidi Barnard, Head of Sustainability at NHS Supply Chain and and Alexandra Hammond, Associate Director, Net Zero and Sustainable Procurement."

John added, "Alexandra's 'Net Zero and Sustainable Procurement' presentation really hit home for me from a sales perspective, particularly her point about remanufactured surgical devices saving 50% of carbon vs single use products.  This helps inform us on where we need to focus our efforts in terms of supplying products which best support net zero."

Omnimed's Eco Supply Chain Assistant, Ben Lonsdale added, "Heidi's presentation on 'Working in partnership to achieve net zero goals' was of particular interest for me as it referenced Procurement Policy"

Ben added, "Heidi's presentation informed us that most of the NHS's emissions are from the medical devices and clinical consumables used within the NHS. Of these, the highest emissions by far are in medical and surgical consumables, medical technology, facilities and office solutions, and rehabilitation and community. As a supplier of medical and surgical consumables, it really highlighted how important Omnimed's role is in reducing emissions."

After discussing the event with John and Ben, Omnimed's Managing Director, Michael Morris summed up the main take away, "For Omnimed, we are 100% committed to working just how Heidi said; by helping the NHS to buy less, buy different, buy better.  Get in touch today to see how we can help your Endoscopy unit meet these goals."

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